Toptal Donates $1 Million of In-Kind Tutoring and $100K In Scholarships to General Assembly’s Opportunity Fund to Improve Opportunities for Disadvantaged Groups in Technology; Creates Toptal Global Mentors Program


来自Toptal精英软件开发网络的志愿者将远程指导大会学生和校友, 解决科技行业软件人才缺乏多样性和差距的问题.

San Francisco, CA – August 4, 2015 – Toptal, the world’s leading network of elite freelance software developers, 今天宣布已与全球教育机构签署协议 General Assembly to create the Toptal Global Mentors Program, 通过辅导和指导来帮助学生克服困难障碍的大规模倡议, underprivilege, and low income to become professional software engineers. As part of the donation, 来自全球93个国家的开发者总共将捐赠约1美元,000,在未来两年内,为大会的学生和毕业生提供价值2万美元的实物辅导和指导支持. In addition, Toptal will donate $100,000 to fund fellowships to the General Assembly Opportunity Fund, 哪个机构为科技行业中传统上代表性不足的群体提供奖学金和支持.

Toptal supports over 2,我们的客户包括财富500强企业和初创企业,我们拥有分布在全球93个国家的精英自由开发人员网络 100% remotely. 这个全球网络构成了道达尔全球导师计划的支柱. Toptal的志愿者将指导大会机会基金的学生和毕业生,就像Toptal的工程师与Zendesk这样的客户合作一样, J.P. Morgan, Airbnb, and thousands of others every day.

Speaking at the 5th Annual Nexus Summit at the United Nations on July 24, 2015, Taso Du Val, co-founder and CEO of Toptal, 宣布Toptal致力于支持那些在科技行业寻求软件工程师职业的弱势学生的技术教育需求.

“众所周知,科技行业严重缺乏多样性,而且 that 是缺乏平等机会获得优质教育和指导的直接结果吗. 没有大量的投资,未来就不会有任何改善。. “At Toptal, we know that teams from all walks of life, with different backgrounds, experiences, and ideas, can stimulate creativity and drive results. 我们与General Assembly的合作以及Toptal全球导师计划的建立,将为那些在进入科技行业方面面临重大障碍的人才提供新的机会. 我们来自世界各地的导师都非常高兴能参与这个项目,并为提高新一代工程师的多样性产生积极影响.”

“在当今的经济形势下,有大量的机会来打造稳健而令人满意的职业生涯, 我们的目标是让尽可能多的人具备在科技行业取得成功的技能,” said Matt Brimer, co-founder of General Assembly. “Toptal是一个理想的合作伙伴,他们的世界级工程师团队每天都在这个领域,他们是世界上最有才华的工程师之一,全球导师计划的加入将为我们的学生和校友提供宝贵的资源。. 我们欢迎Toptal对机会基金的支持,并期待确保更多的学生配备所需的设备, 21st century skills that tech companies are looking for in their employees.”

Toptal的开发人员为Toptal全球导师计划带来了广泛的专业知识,涵盖了各种需求技术, 使其成为联大学生和毕业生的巨大资源. 这也意味着对于参与者希望获得的任何专业技能, a best-in-class Toptal expert will be available, no matter where in the world that expert resides. A Toptal web design expert in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, for example, can mentor a General Assembly web design student from the Bronx, NY, USA – almost as if face-to-face.

“作为一家100%的虚拟公司,我们与广泛分散的开发团队合作, 我们被来自不同国家和文化的人们的互动和创造力淹没了, the developing world and the developed world, 24/7,” added Du Val. “在我们的全球网络中,每分钟都有伟大的想法产生,关系得到激发, and now General Assembly students can tap into it through this new program. To us, the ability to teach, inspire, and learn across any border in the world is not only gratifying, 但我们认为这是在困难时期部署技术的正确方式, low-income, 在这个渴求人才的行业中,还有其他各种因素阻碍着成功和成就.”

When the program was announced internally to Toptal developers, volunteers flooded in from around the world. Seva Safris, a Ukrainian-American software engineer who has volunteered, puts it this way: “Having grown up in an immigrant minority family, 我自己就是我生命中慷慨的老师和给予者给予我的机会的产物,他们赋予我力量,让我在逆境中取得成就和成功. In gratitude to those who helped me in my life, I am thrilled and honored to give back to the minority community.”

About Toptal

Founded in 2010, Toptal是硅谷涌现的最具创新性和快速增长的公司之一. With backing from Andreessen Horowitz, Adam D’Angelo of Quora, and others, Toptal连接了来自世界各地的数千名精英自由软件工程师,000 clients including large enterprise companies such as J.P. Morgan and Pfizer; tech companies such as Airbnb and Zendesk; and numerous startups, 提供世界级的软件解决方案,满足最复杂和最具挑战性的需求. On track to hit an $80,000,000 annual run rate (ARR) in less than five years since its founding, Toptal的快速增长证明了客户需求的爆炸式增长,以及公司服务无与伦比的质量和可靠性. For more information about Toptal, visit:

About General Assembly

General Assembly是一个全球性的教育机构,它正在建立一个由个人组成的社区,通过技术方面的指导和机会,他们有能力追求自己喜欢的工作, design, and business. General Assembly offers full-time immersive programs, classes, workshops, 以及关于21世纪经济最相关技能的在线教育节目, including web development, user experience design, product management, digital marketing, and data science. Headquartered in New York, General Assembly成立于2011年初,在亚特兰大拥有14个校区, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne, New York, San Francisco, Singapore, Seattle, Sydney, and Washington, D.C.

Media Inquiries


Joellen Ferrer
Toptal, LLC
+1 (415) 308-8209

Marcelo Vilela
Text100 Public Relations
+1 (415) 593-8419

General Assembly

Ross Purnell
+1 (424) 291-8711

To us, the ability to teach, inspire, and learn across any border in the world is not only gratifying, 但我们认为这是在困难时期部署技术的正确方式, low-income, and a variety of other factors stand in the way of success.

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